Friday, April 6, 2012

April 6th, 2012 (+8w3d)

2 months already?!?!  Where did the time go?!  Sorry for the lack of updates...Chris and I don’t seem to have as much free time any more :-)!  Whitney and Terren had their 2 month check up this week on Monday 4/2.  Both girls had great check-ups!

The girls are getting big!  At our last weight check on 2/24, Whitney weighed 6 lbs 6 1/2 oz and Terren weighed 5 lbs, 12 oz.  On Monday, Whitney weighed 10 lbs, 6 ounces and Terren weighed 8 lbs, 12 ounces!  Whitney was 22 inches long and Terren was 20 1/2 inches!

 Terren & Whitney in their Boppies (3/19/12)

The girls are breastfeeding 7-8 times a day.  Nightimes are getting better and Chris and I aren’t as sleep deprived as we once were.  The girls are going 4-6 hrs the first stretch at night and 4 hrs the second stretch.  We are letting them wake us up at night now, but still feeding every 3 hours during the day.  They are awake longer after feedings now, but still take 3 naps during the day. 

Both girls enjoy their swings, which helps Mom and Dad when they are fussy.  They also like playing on their gym mat for tummy time and practicing head lifts.  Terren has a patented butt lift which is pretty funny.  On April 1st, Whitney actually rolled over on her gym mat!  Terren followed suit on 4/5!  They are becoming much more aware of their surroundings and they are able to follow objects on their swing mobiles now.  They also are reaching out for things more lately and have quite the grip!  Bath time is still a bit of a traumatic experience; At first they seem like they enjoy it, but tire of it quickly and let us know!

Whitney & Terren doing tummy time (4/1/12)

Whitney checking out her sea creatures (4/3/12)

Terren checking out her birds (4/3/12)

Whitney is more ‘vocal,’ requires more coaxing to get back to sleep when she wakes up at night, and doesn’t like to poop every day.  Her longest poop strike so far was 5 days, then it was a diaper buster!  She has started cooing which is neat!

Whitney (3/13/12

Terren is more mellow, likes her pacifier, and tends to spit up more after feedings.  She usually throws up a whole feeding about once a week.  She is also quite sensitive- Crying when her sister cries!

Terren (3/13/12)

We have been enjoying the nice weather and have taken several walks in the neighborhood.  We have met many new families, and there are several other girls our girls’ age.  There is also a neighborhood play group that meets every other week that will be nice to go to when the girls are a little bigger. 

Our first family walk (3/13/12)

I am feeling great.  The recovery from my c-section wasn’t too bad.  The worst part was that I pulled a muscle in my neck that first week; I think from looking down at the girls while breastfeeding!  That caused me more pain than my incision!  I have had lots of help caring for the girls.  Chris was off the first 2 weeks, then my mom was here the third week, and since then I have had many friends, family, and co-workers over to help.  My Aunt Pat has been coming over twice a week which is a big help!