Monday, November 14, 2011

November 14th, 2011 Ultrasound (24w2d)

Today we had an appointment with Dr. Renfroe at Maternal-Fetal.  Both babies look great!  Baby A is 1 pound, 12 ounces and Baby B is 1 pound, 7 ounces!  Yes, the girls are still Baby A and Baby B- We have not come to a consensus on names yet!  Baby A is still head down, but Baby B was transverse today.  All 4 feet are still in my right upper abdomen.  We were able to get pretty good face pictures of both girls today.  Dr. Renfroe said that the next month is very important to get through.  The survival rate from 24 weeks to 26 weeks increases exponentially.  She only wants me to work in the office, not on the floor, from now on and really watch my activity level.  I think Christmas shopping will be done all online this year!  I have been having some back pain so she gave me a belly band to help support my back.  I could feel a difference as soon as I put it on.  Also, last Monday I noticed my shoes were a bit tight.  By Friday, my ankles and feet were noticeably swollen.  Dr. Renfroe suggested getting support hose for that.  Chris and I went to breastfeeding class last Thursday.  We both thought it was a very informative class.  We go again this Thursday.  Chris got the nursery primed on Saturday and he hopes to finish it up this weekend.  We will post some pictures once it's done.  Our next appointment is with the OB's office on Dec. 5th; I will be doing my glucose test that day.

My co-worker and good friend, Lisa, and I at her baby shower last Saturday.  We measured our bellies- Lisa is 42 inches around with 4 weeks to go and I measured 40 inches with hopefully 13 weeks to go!

Baby A
(Baby A drinking)

Baby B

Sunday, November 6, 2011

November 3rd, 2011 Ultrasound (22w5d)

Hello everyone!  We had an appointment with the OB on 11/3.  We got some great 3D pictures of Baby B!  Baby A is lower and is often squished in a corner, which makes it very difficult to get a good picture of her.  Everything checked out well.  My thyroid levels are almost normal, so I am sticking with the synthroid dose I am on now.  We have visited 2 daycare centers, and are going to visit 1 more before we make a decision.  We are taking a breastfeeding class the next 2 Thursdays.  The girl I met in twins club who is having the boys is going too.  We decided to drag along our husbands!  The girls are moving around like crazy now!  They are both head down with their feet in my upper right abdomen.  Needless to say, my ribs are sore in that spot with 4 feet kicking!  Starting to have some back pain now and more frequent heartburn, but nothing too bad.  I'm still sleeping well with my Snoogle (body pillow)!  We picked out the paint colors for the nursery, and hope to get started on that this weekend.  We got a small taste of what we are in for as my cousin, Julie, her 11-month old son, Tyler, and my Uncle Tom and Aunt Sandy visited us last weekend.  Tyler is almost walking and is a lot of fun!  Tyler also had a lot of fun with Chris!      

Angie's Halloween Shirt

Both Babies

Baby B

Tyler & Chris