Friday, December 30, 2011

Babies R Us Registry

Just an FYI...there is another Angela Jones with twin girls who is registered at Babies R Us!  What are the chances?!  Our registry is Angie (and Chris) Jones in Washington, IL due 3/3/12.  Her registry is Angela Jones in Peoria, IL and she was due 9/26/11. 

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

December 27th, 2011 OB Visit (30w3d)

Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!  Chris here updating the blog this week.  We had a great holiday weekend and the babies got lots of great loot!  Angie continues to feel good, and enjoyed some yummy holiday meals.  Daily fatigue is getting worse and she has been going to bed a little earlier lately.

We had an appointment with her OB, Dr. Teverbaugh, last Tuesday and again today.  At last week's appointment, the doctor gave Angie the ok to take Pepcid for heartburn, and that has been helping her a lot.  Other than the heartburn, all news was good last week.  At this week's appointment, we started off with an ultrasound (no good pictures to post) and then met with Dr. Teverbaugh again.  Before the doctor came in, we were a bit concerned as Angie's ultrasound showed cervical shortening from her last measurement 2 weeks ago at maternal fetal.  Our doctors have been using cervix length as an indicator for preventing preterm labor and the longer the measurement, the better.  From our appointment 2 weeks ago, today's ultrasound measurement showed a reduction of about 25%; thus our concern.  Dr. Teverbaugh came in and discussed with us how this affects our plans.  She said at this point that she doesn't want to overreact and wants to give it another week to see how things progress before having Angie change her daily routine.  Additional reduction at the next appointment may mean periods of mandatory bed rest or work restrictions from here until delivery.  So, Angie will be getting another measurement at next week's OB appointment, and again on the 12th at maternal fetal.  Angie is not showing any other signs of preterm labor, so I'm cautiously optimistic and am blaming the difference in measurement on different machines, different sono techs, and different times of the day.  Next week shall tell.

No big New Years Eve plans this year.  Hopefully a nice dinner out before watching the ball drop on TV!

Talk to you all soon!

Christmas at the Galloway's

Nursery Pics (not completed yet, but getting closer)

Saturday, December 17, 2011

December 14th, 2011 Ultrasound (28w5d)

We had an OB appointment last Monday where I had to do the glucose test (which I passed- Yay!).  A friend from work had to do her glucose test at the same time as me so that was nice to pass the time.  There are 6 preggos at work right now!  We were at 7, but my friend Lisa delivered Madeline on 12/12.   We are now going to the OB every 2 weeks.  We also had a Maternal Fetal appointment on Wednesday.  Baby A is now 3 pounds, 2 ounces and Baby B is 2 pounds, 12 ounces.  Baby B is right on track for weight gain for 28 weeks.  Baby A is just big!  The doctor said I have a little extra fluid in my uterus, but he wasn't concerned about that right now.  He said the extra fluid and the one larger baby is making my uterus bigger.  The top of my uterus is at my rib cage now!  I have gained 30 pounds so far.  The sono showed that Baby B had completely flipped around since the last visit.  I think she had just done it the night before our appointment because she balled up into a cone on one side and then she did something that hurt!  Now her head is in my right upper abdomen, next to her sister's feet.  At least now the feet are spread out instead of all in one spot!  Besides the swelling in my feet and ankles and the continuous heartburn, I am feeling fine.  I might ask about some Pepcid at our next OB appointment on Monday.  I'm getting tired of all the Tums!  The nursery is almost finished- Just a few decorating details left.  We will post picture soon.  We go to Maternal Fetal again in 4 weeks.   

Beth and I at the PMOT Christmas Party (ugly Christmas sweater night!).  We are both 28 weeks pregnant with twins.  She is having boys!

Daisy and Cody were extremely interested in all the baby loot that Brenda and Nate gave us!  Thanks again Brenda and Nate!

27 weeks

Baby A

 Getting kicked in the face by her sister!

Baby B