Sunday, August 28, 2011

August 24, 2011 Ultrasound (12w4d)

We had our first OB appointment today.  Everything went well.  Both babies are measuring right on track, actually a little ahead- Both are measuring 13w, 1d.  Was still too early to to tell their sexes.  Our next appointment is in 4 weeks, on 9/23.  Our sono tech said she could be 99% sure of their sexes at that appointment.  We can't wait to find out what they are!  I had to buy maternity pants yesterday.  I've been wearing scrubs and dresses everyday.  I can still wear most of my shirts.  I joined a local group called Peoria Mothers of Twins.  The group held a sale last night that Chris and I went to at the RiverPlex downtown.  It was like a huge children's garage sale.  We got boy and girl clothes- If we can't use one or the other, we can sell them back next year!  We also got some books and toys.  I think I have been feeling slightly better the last couple days (wishful thinking!).  I have lost 9 pounds total, so hopefully I start gaining weight soon.  It's weird because I haven't gained any weight, but my stomach is getting much bigger!  We have also told everyone that we are expecting now!  It has been very fun to tell family and friends.

Baby A

Baby B

Both Babies

Saturday, August 27, 2011

August 15, 2011 Ultrasound (11w3d)

Our latest 3D ultrasound!  Both babies are measuring right on track- We are 11w, 3d and both babies are measuring 11w, 5d.  Baby A's heartrate was 168 and B's was 161.  We could see their brains, spinal columns, ribs, bladders, hands, and feet.  They both had their hands up in front of their faces so we couldn't get any good face pictures!   

Baby A

Baby B

August 1, 2011 Ultrasound (9w3d)

We had a 3D ultrasound yesterday.  Both babies were wiggling around- Was very neat to see!  Baby A's picture is pretty good, but our nurse practitioner had trouble getting Baby B because he/she was moving at the time.  They are both measuring exactly right on track, at about an inch long.  Baby A's heartrate was 178 and B's was 176.  We have another 3D ultrasound 8/15 then we are released from the fertility center.  I am still constantly nauseas, but the zofran has helped take the edge off a little.  I also think I could sleep all the time!  We will be 10 weeks Saturday so hopefully these symptoms alleviate in the next couple weeks!

Baby A

Baby B

Both Babies

July 18, 2011 Ultrasound (7w3d)

This ultrasound we are 7w, 3d and Baby A measured 7w, 5d and Baby B measured 7w, 1d.  The doctor did our sono this week, and he doesn't do as good a job as the nurse practitioner hence the odd measurements :-)!  The nausea/vomiting is miserable!  I got a prescription for zofran so hopefully that helps.  We have bought every ginger, lemon, peppermint remedy we can find.  Even bought those Sea-Band bracelets that are supposed to relieve nausea.  So far nothing has really helped.    

Baby A

Baby B

Both Babies

July 11, 2011 Ultrasound (6w3d)

TWINS!!! Our nurse practitioner saw right away there were 2 in there!  We are 6 weeks, 3 days pregnant and the babies are measuring 6 weeks, 4 days- Right on track! We were able to see their heartbeats today! So amazing! We have another ultrasound next week to hear their heartbeats, then a 3D ultrasound 2 weeks later, and then we will be released to my OB-GYN. We are very excited, and I am feeling pregnant now- The nausea has struck!
Baby A

Baby B

Both Babies