Saturday, August 27, 2011

August 1, 2011 Ultrasound (9w3d)

We had a 3D ultrasound yesterday.  Both babies were wiggling around- Was very neat to see!  Baby A's picture is pretty good, but our nurse practitioner had trouble getting Baby B because he/she was moving at the time.  They are both measuring exactly right on track, at about an inch long.  Baby A's heartrate was 178 and B's was 176.  We have another 3D ultrasound 8/15 then we are released from the fertility center.  I am still constantly nauseas, but the zofran has helped take the edge off a little.  I also think I could sleep all the time!  We will be 10 weeks Saturday so hopefully these symptoms alleviate in the next couple weeks!

Baby A

Baby B

Both Babies

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