Tuesday, September 20, 2011

September 20th, 2011 Ultrasound (16w3d)

It's a GIRL! ... And another GIRL!!  We are very excited!  We had our appointment today at the Maternal Fetal Diagnostic Center.  Our sono tech said she was positive both babies are girls!  Pink it is!  Having them both the same sex will make decorating the nursery and shopping much easier!  I have been feeling much better the last few weeks.  I stopped taking Zofran a couple weeks ago, and have only had a few toothbrush-associated vomiting episodes.  I have gained 7 pounds back, so I think the weight gain is on!  I went to my first Peoria Mothers of Twins meeting last Thursday, and met some very nice women.  I met one girl my age who is also 16 weeks pregnant with twins, but hers are boys.  The meetings are at Monicals, which is a nice plus!  I think the PMOT group will be a great resource for us.  They also plan outings, trips, date nights, and other fun stuff!  Chris and I also went to Baby Boot Camp last Saturday.  We learned how to bathe, diaper, perform infant/child CPR, car seat installation, and my favorite part- Mommy massage!  We went with my good friend from work, Lisa, and her husband who are expecting a girl in December.  Next, we are taking a multiples class in October.  

Today the perinatologist also performed an ultrasound.  He found that Baby B has only 2 vessels (1 artery and 1 vein) in the umbilical cord instead of 3 (2 arteries and 1 vein).  This happens in about 1 in 100 pregnancies and is more common with multiples.  He stated that this could slow growth in Baby B as she gets bigger.  Right now, both babies are 6 ounces and are measuring ahead of schedule, already measuring a week ahead.  So this is something that will be monitored closely.  He also found choroid plexus cysts in both babies, 1 baby unilateral and 1 baby bilateral.  The choroid plexus is an area of the brain that is not involved in thinking or personality, but makes a fluid that protects and nourishes the brain and spinal cord. When a fluid-filled space is seen in the choroid plexus during an ultrasound, it is called a choroid plexus cyst.  The doctor stated that this does not harm the baby, and that most disappear by the third trimester.  He said that sometimes the cysts are a sign of an abnormality, but that in our case all body structures on both babies are normal, so there is likely no connection.  He said we should not worry over either finding (easier said than done).  Right now, we will be going to Maternal Fetal every 4 weeks.  So between them and our OB, we will be seeing someone every 2 weeks.  This week we have both appointments- OB is on Friday.  We will post again after that appointment!           

Baby A

Baby B

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