Wednesday, October 5, 2011

September 23rd, 2011 Ultrasound (16w6d)

Baby A

Baby B

Both Babies


Not much to report from our appointment on 9/23.  Sono showed everyone is on track, and confirmed both are indeed girls!  We met with our doctor, and asked how these girls will come into the world.  He stated that a cesarean is highly recommended, but that if I really wanted to vaginally deliver and the girls are in appropriate positions, we could try for a vaginal delivery.  I said no thank you- C-section for me!  In other news, I can now definitely feel the girls moving around!  Chris even felt Baby B move on October 4th!  I swear she was continuously doing somersaults in there!  We went to multiples class on 10/3 and will go again tomorrow 10/10.  At our first class, we toured antepartum, labor and delivery, and mom/baby.  The fathers had to push the mothers around in wheelchairs!  Tomorrow, we will tour the NICU.  We really hope to avoid antepartum and the NICU!  There are 5 couples in the class.  
We go to Maternal Fetal again on 10/17 then our OB 11/3.  We will be seeing someone every 2 weeks now.  We had a meet and greet with a pediatrician who was highly recommended from the moms in the twins club.  We really liked her, but will probably meet with one more doctor just to be sure.  Her office is in Washington too which is a big plus.  I am still feeling great!  I have surpassed my normal weight now!  Most of my food aversions are gone, but I'm not really craving anything right now.  I can't believe we are already halfway done!  We will be 20 weeks on 10/15!  This is going too fast!   

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