Monday, October 17, 2011

October 17th, 2011 Ultrasound (20w3d)

Baby A

Baby B

Hello Everyone!  Chris here. We had a check-up with Maternal Fetal this morning.  This was supposed to be one of our longer appointments with them as it is one that requires the most amount of measurements via ultrasound.  It took about 2 hours, but wasn't too bad.  The images of the babies are starting to get much more clear and features more distinguishable!  We can now see ribs, the individual bones in the fingers & toes, stomach, bladder, spine, and the 4 chambers of the heart.  You can see some of them above.  Baby A was being shy and didn't want a 3d picture today...maybe next time.

They did measurements and the occasional snapshot for us for about an hour, then the doctor came in after that to talk with us.  The first thing that he said was that everything looked really good and he doesn't see any indications of birth defects, which is great news!  The choroid plexus cysts that showed up in both babies last time are no longer visible, but they weren't concerned much about those anyhow.  Both babies are exhibiting excellent "symmetric growth" meaning that the arms, organs, head, etc. are all growing at a similar rate.  Both babies are growing right on track with Baby A measuring in at 12oz and Baby B at 13oz.  The doctor seemed very pleased and didn't place Angie on any restrictions and said she can keep doing her daily activities as normal.  Angie's thyroid gland isn't keeping up with the pregnancy, though.  She is now taking synthroid daily, which is a synthetic form of thyroid hormone.  Hopefully, her thyroid will get back to normal after pregnancy.  Our next appointment will be with the OBs office in 2 weeks.

In other news, the nursery is starting to come along.  The cribs showed up last Friday and we picked up a dresser and bookcase on Saturday.  The chair and ottoman are ordered, but won't be here for several weeks.  We still need to paint, but are undecided on exactly which shade of pink!

1 comment:

  1. Wonderful news! I know those 20 week u/s can be scary with all those measurements. I was a nervous wreck! So happy they are healthy and growing perfectly. Keep the updated nursery pics coming! They are sharing a room I take it?
