Sunday, January 29, 2012

January 27, 2012 OB Visit (34w, 6d)

Dr. Mueller was right- We made it another week!  Nothing new to report from this appointment- We are status quo for now!  We go back to the OB on Thursday the 2nd.  The doctor said we wouldn't schedule the C-section until 37 weeks, if we make it that far.  I'm sure we will go on our own before then!  My heartburn has gotten worse, especially at night, so I doubled the amount of pepcid I'm taking.  Turning over at night has become a major event and sleep has become more elusive.  I have gained over 40 pounds now!  Once we hit 36 weeks, I'll be more than ready for these girls to arrive!

The nursery is finished, the car seats are installed, and our bags are packed!

 The finished product!

Lots of pink!
 The girls will be sharing a crib for awhile

 Flower alphabet cards
 Bow board

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