Thursday, January 5, 2012

January 4th, 2011 OB Visit (31w4d)

Happy New Year!  Chris and I went to a nice dinner at Johnnie's Italian Steakhouse then had some sparkling grape juice before retiring to bed way before midnight!  Today we had an OB appointment.  I had a sono first to check the girls' heartrates and to measure my cervical length.  Terren's heartrate was 135 and Whitney's was 141.  That's right- We have names, almost!!  Whitney Autumn and Terren ???.  We are still trying to decide on a middle name for Terren.  Whitney is Baby A and Terren is Baby B.  Both girls are still head down.  We forgot to mention last week that Terren changed positions again from her head in my right upper abdomen to now in my left lower abdomen.  She probably got tired of getting kicked in the head by her sister!  My cervical length shortened again (3 to 2.7) so Dr. Croland recommended no more working and home bedrest.  We go to maternal fetal next Thursday and then back to the OB the next week.  Sounds like they will check the length each week until 34 weeks, then we are considered relatively safe.  My manager is going to let me work 16 hours from home each week so I can save some PTO which is nice.   I'm excited to see everyone at my shower this weekend!  We'll update the blog again after next week's maternal fetal appointment.

Terren pics (Whitney was shy this week)

1 comment:

  1. EEEEKKKKK!!! I love the names!!!!!!!!!! So cute!!!! Terren's middle name needs to relate to something that Chris loves....... I also like that the names are not matchy, matchy! Excited to see you tomorrow!! :)
