Friday, April 6, 2012

April 6th, 2012 (+8w3d)

2 months already?!?!  Where did the time go?!  Sorry for the lack of updates...Chris and I don’t seem to have as much free time any more :-)!  Whitney and Terren had their 2 month check up this week on Monday 4/2.  Both girls had great check-ups!

The girls are getting big!  At our last weight check on 2/24, Whitney weighed 6 lbs 6 1/2 oz and Terren weighed 5 lbs, 12 oz.  On Monday, Whitney weighed 10 lbs, 6 ounces and Terren weighed 8 lbs, 12 ounces!  Whitney was 22 inches long and Terren was 20 1/2 inches!

 Terren & Whitney in their Boppies (3/19/12)

The girls are breastfeeding 7-8 times a day.  Nightimes are getting better and Chris and I aren’t as sleep deprived as we once were.  The girls are going 4-6 hrs the first stretch at night and 4 hrs the second stretch.  We are letting them wake us up at night now, but still feeding every 3 hours during the day.  They are awake longer after feedings now, but still take 3 naps during the day. 

Both girls enjoy their swings, which helps Mom and Dad when they are fussy.  They also like playing on their gym mat for tummy time and practicing head lifts.  Terren has a patented butt lift which is pretty funny.  On April 1st, Whitney actually rolled over on her gym mat!  Terren followed suit on 4/5!  They are becoming much more aware of their surroundings and they are able to follow objects on their swing mobiles now.  They also are reaching out for things more lately and have quite the grip!  Bath time is still a bit of a traumatic experience; At first they seem like they enjoy it, but tire of it quickly and let us know!

Whitney & Terren doing tummy time (4/1/12)

Whitney checking out her sea creatures (4/3/12)

Terren checking out her birds (4/3/12)

Whitney is more ‘vocal,’ requires more coaxing to get back to sleep when she wakes up at night, and doesn’t like to poop every day.  Her longest poop strike so far was 5 days, then it was a diaper buster!  She has started cooing which is neat!

Whitney (3/13/12

Terren is more mellow, likes her pacifier, and tends to spit up more after feedings.  She usually throws up a whole feeding about once a week.  She is also quite sensitive- Crying when her sister cries!

Terren (3/13/12)

We have been enjoying the nice weather and have taken several walks in the neighborhood.  We have met many new families, and there are several other girls our girls’ age.  There is also a neighborhood play group that meets every other week that will be nice to go to when the girls are a little bigger. 

Our first family walk (3/13/12)

I am feeling great.  The recovery from my c-section wasn’t too bad.  The worst part was that I pulled a muscle in my neck that first week; I think from looking down at the girls while breastfeeding!  That caused me more pain than my incision!  I have had lots of help caring for the girls.  Chris was off the first 2 weeks, then my mom was here the third week, and since then I have had many friends, family, and co-workers over to help.  My Aunt Pat has been coming over twice a week which is a big help!

Sunday, February 19, 2012

February 19, 2012 (+1w,5d)

Hello everyone!  Sorry it has taken us so long to get on here and give an update; Life suddenly got very busy!!!  Everyone is healthy & happy and learning new things everyday.  Here is a recap on the last week or so's events...

February 6th, 2012 (Monday)
-We met with Dr. Teverbaugh at the Washington office for a check-up.  Everything went well and she talked to us about what would happen at the scheduled c-section on the 16th.  We scheduled an ultrasound for Thursday the 9th and another check-up on the 10th.

February 7th, 2012 (Tuesday)
-The BIG day!!!  Monday night was like any other; Little did we know what we were in store for.  A little before 3am, I got up to go to the bathroom.  After getting back in bed, I felt really crampy and had some dull abdominal pains, and then it water broke!  I yelled at Chris, "My water just broke" and he jumped out of bed in a flash and started grabbing all of our things.  After I calmed him down, I called the OB's answering service and informed them what was going on and that we were headed to the hospital. 
We got to the OSF emergency room a little before 4am.  They put me in a wheelchair to go up to labor/delivery.  Once there, they put us in a room and put fetal monitors on the babies.  Their heartrates were fine, but my blood pressure was on the high side.  After awhile, I started shaking uncontrollably; They said it was from the rush of hormones and adrenaline.  Around 5:00, the anesthesiologist showed up to put in my epidural.   They had Chris leave the room while they put it in, but it only took a few minutes (easier and less painful than the IV).  Dr. Stallings, the doctor on call from Teverbaugh's office showed up around 5:30 and came in and talked to us.  A little after that, they wheeled me out of the room and into the operating room.  They let Chris into the OR around 6:15.  At that point, the shakes had gotten really bad.  The anesthesiologist said they are perfectly normal and that he could give me something for them after the babies were born.  The OR was filled with people!  A NICU team for each baby, two anesthesiologists, Dr. Stallings, Dr. Frye (the labor/delivery resident), several nurses; About 14 people in all!  Once Chris arrived, things went pretty quick and at 6:27, we heard the cries of our first baby girl...Whitney!  The NICU team grabbed her up and started their assessment.  Only a minute later at 6:28, baby girl Terren's cries could be heard throughout the room.  Chris left my side to go check on the girls as they started sewing me up.  He was able to cut both girls’ cords.  At that point, I got sick and the anesthesiologist gave me several medications- one for the nausea and demerol for the shaking.  I was pretty out of it and things started to get fuzzy, and I don't remember when Chris held the babies up for me to see.  The NICU team's assessments of the girls was great and they were cleared to head off to the nursery.  Chris went with the girls to watch them get their bath, footprints, and exam in the nursery.  After being in recovery for about 2 hours, they moved me to my room and my mom, dad, and Chris were all there to greet me.  Not too long after, the girls were cleared to leave the nursery and come in to be with us.  It was a great moment!

At the hospital; last belly pic!

Getting cleaned up in the OR

In the nursery getting our temps up

February 10th, 2012 (Thursday)
-To this point, everything had been going great.  Breastfeeding was going really well and I was even able to feed both girls at the same time!  My recovery was going wonderfully and I was up and moving around by myself on Wednesday.  The girls were doing well however Whitney's bilirubin was a little on the high side and both girls had lost about 10% of their weight since birth, also on the high side.  Due to that, they put Whitney under the bilirubin lights overnight for about 12 hours, and we started supplementing feedings with formula to produce more poops to help clear the bilirubin.  We are started supplementing Terren too for weight gain.

February 11th, 2012 (Friday)
-We get to go home!  The lights really helped lower Whitney's bilirubin and the doctors say we can go home!  Both girls’ also passed their carseat apnea tests.  We got all our discharge paperwork done, moved everything but the essentials out to the car, and took advantage of room service one last time before heading for home around 4pm.

We have been at home for almost 2 weeks now!  Tandem breastfeeding is going well (with a lot of assistance from Chris- He has been wonderful and I am nervous about him going back to work tomorrow :-().  But my Mom will be here this week!  We are out of the woods with the bilirubin levels.  Both girls had bilirubin labs drawn the Saturday after we went home, and Terren’s level had increased.  So it was back to the hospital on Sunday with Terren for another bili check.  Both girls hit their bilirubin peaks without going into dangerous numbers.  Now we are focused on gaining weight!  Both girls have gained back a few ounces and we would like them to be at their birth weights at tomorrow’s pediatrician appointment.  We are feeding every 2.5 hours during the day and every 3 hours at night, and supplementing formula and pumped breastmilk (alternatively) every feeding.  We usually have to wake them for feedings.  Chris and I don’t feel overly exhausted (yet :-)!).  Thank you to everyone who has brought us meals- Not having to make food helps a lot!  We will still post updates about our girls on this blog as often as we can!

Thursday, February 2, 2012

February 2, 2012 OB Appointment (35w,5d)

Almost to full term!!!  Today we saw Dr. Mueller again.  He checked my cervix and I am not dilated at all.  My c-section is scheduled for February 16th, 2 weeks from today!!  I can't believe we have made it this far.  I started bedrest at 31w, 4d, thinking these babies were going to arrive early!  My uterus is measuring at 42 cm, 2 weeks bigger than a singleton baby at full term!  Ugh!  And maybe 2 more weeks to go! 

Sunday, January 29, 2012

January 27, 2012 OB Visit (34w, 6d)

Dr. Mueller was right- We made it another week!  Nothing new to report from this appointment- We are status quo for now!  We go back to the OB on Thursday the 2nd.  The doctor said we wouldn't schedule the C-section until 37 weeks, if we make it that far.  I'm sure we will go on our own before then!  My heartburn has gotten worse, especially at night, so I doubled the amount of pepcid I'm taking.  Turning over at night has become a major event and sleep has become more elusive.  I have gained over 40 pounds now!  Once we hit 36 weeks, I'll be more than ready for these girls to arrive!

The nursery is finished, the car seats are installed, and our bags are packed!

 The finished product!

Lots of pink!
 The girls will be sharing a crib for awhile

 Flower alphabet cards
 Bow board

Friday, January 20, 2012

January 20th, 2012 OB Visit (33w, 6d)

This morning we met with Dr. Mueller after having an ultrasound yesterday.  At the ultrasound, my cervix measured 1.7 cm down from 2.7 cm two weeks ago!  The sono tech seemed very concerned about this reduction, and asked another physician in the practice if I was okay to wait until the next day to see the doctor!  This was the first appointment Chris couldn't make it to since our appointments were split this week.  The doctor said I was okay to wait, but not to do any jumping jacks!  We feel much better after meeting with Dr. Mueller today.  He said he wouldn't have even checked my cervix yesterday as the measurement does not really matter at this point.  He stated that some women can stay at 1 cm for several weeks and some women with a 3 cm go into labor in a week!  He said if he was a betting man, he would bet that he'll see me next week!  Our next appointment is 1/27.  Bedrest is going okay...I'm starting to feel like a weakling laying around all day.  Once I come downstairs in the morning, I stay downstairs.  I move in a triangle from the couch, to the bathroom, to the kitchen!  Kind of getting old and a little lonely, but I can handle 2 more weeks!  I had my work babies shower last Saturday, and had a great time!  The girls got a lot of very cute clothes!  I feel much better prepared now that I made it to my showers!  Chris made a trip to Babies 'R' Us and Target this week to use our gift cards to get the remaining items we need.  Almost ready!!

Angela, the hostess, and I

 The cute cake!
 Lisa and her new baby Madeline!

 Laura made a bow board using the sheets we chose for the girls!

Friday, January 13, 2012

January 12, 2012 Maternal Fetal Visit (32w,5d)

Today we had an appointment at Maternal Fetal, which turned out to be our last one!  The snow made the trip into the doctor a little more interesting.  Saw a couple accidents and 1 person in the ditch.  The bridge was really backed up too.  Our doctor was late to the office because she couldn't get up a hill by her house!  The appointment went very well.  Both girls looked great!  Whitney is 4 pounds, 11 ounces and Terren was 4 pounds, 10 ounces!  Both are still head down, but now their legs are crossed!  Dr. Renfroe said now that we are past 32 weeks, from their standpoint, the girls are okay to come any time now!  The OB would still like us to get 34-36 weeks, which sounds much better to us!  36 weeks is considered full term for twins.  Dr. Renfroe did not do a cervical check.  Bedrest is going okay.  I actually feel more tired and achy laying around all day.  Bathroom breaks during the night have increased to about every 2-3 hours, which I guess is good training for when the girls are here!  I am also having a lot more Braxton-Hicks contractions.  I still have plenty to keep me busy though!  I have another sono next Thursday and an OB appointment on Friday.  My work babies shower is Saturday- I'm excited to see everyone and to get out of the house for awhile!  We will be 33 weeks that day!  Hopefully 3 weeks to go!!!  Below are some pictures from my babies shower last Sunday.  I had a great time and the girls received some wonderful gifts!  Thanks everyone for coming!

New Years Eve

Baby Shower
My Aunt Sandy, cousin Julie, Mom, Chris, and I

My Mom and I
My cousin Brenda and I- Brenda did a great job with all the yummy food!
My sorority sisters from IWU
Kristi, Mindy, Mason, and I
My Aunt Pat and Aunt Barb

1/12/12 Whitney pics (Terren was shy this week)

Thursday, January 5, 2012

January 4th, 2011 OB Visit (31w4d)

Happy New Year!  Chris and I went to a nice dinner at Johnnie's Italian Steakhouse then had some sparkling grape juice before retiring to bed way before midnight!  Today we had an OB appointment.  I had a sono first to check the girls' heartrates and to measure my cervical length.  Terren's heartrate was 135 and Whitney's was 141.  That's right- We have names, almost!!  Whitney Autumn and Terren ???.  We are still trying to decide on a middle name for Terren.  Whitney is Baby A and Terren is Baby B.  Both girls are still head down.  We forgot to mention last week that Terren changed positions again from her head in my right upper abdomen to now in my left lower abdomen.  She probably got tired of getting kicked in the head by her sister!  My cervical length shortened again (3 to 2.7) so Dr. Croland recommended no more working and home bedrest.  We go to maternal fetal next Thursday and then back to the OB the next week.  Sounds like they will check the length each week until 34 weeks, then we are considered relatively safe.  My manager is going to let me work 16 hours from home each week so I can save some PTO which is nice.   I'm excited to see everyone at my shower this weekend!  We'll update the blog again after next week's maternal fetal appointment.

Terren pics (Whitney was shy this week)

Friday, December 30, 2011

Babies R Us Registry

Just an FYI...there is another Angela Jones with twin girls who is registered at Babies R Us!  What are the chances?!  Our registry is Angie (and Chris) Jones in Washington, IL due 3/3/12.  Her registry is Angela Jones in Peoria, IL and she was due 9/26/11. 

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

December 27th, 2011 OB Visit (30w3d)

Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!  Chris here updating the blog this week.  We had a great holiday weekend and the babies got lots of great loot!  Angie continues to feel good, and enjoyed some yummy holiday meals.  Daily fatigue is getting worse and she has been going to bed a little earlier lately.

We had an appointment with her OB, Dr. Teverbaugh, last Tuesday and again today.  At last week's appointment, the doctor gave Angie the ok to take Pepcid for heartburn, and that has been helping her a lot.  Other than the heartburn, all news was good last week.  At this week's appointment, we started off with an ultrasound (no good pictures to post) and then met with Dr. Teverbaugh again.  Before the doctor came in, we were a bit concerned as Angie's ultrasound showed cervical shortening from her last measurement 2 weeks ago at maternal fetal.  Our doctors have been using cervix length as an indicator for preventing preterm labor and the longer the measurement, the better.  From our appointment 2 weeks ago, today's ultrasound measurement showed a reduction of about 25%; thus our concern.  Dr. Teverbaugh came in and discussed with us how this affects our plans.  She said at this point that she doesn't want to overreact and wants to give it another week to see how things progress before having Angie change her daily routine.  Additional reduction at the next appointment may mean periods of mandatory bed rest or work restrictions from here until delivery.  So, Angie will be getting another measurement at next week's OB appointment, and again on the 12th at maternal fetal.  Angie is not showing any other signs of preterm labor, so I'm cautiously optimistic and am blaming the difference in measurement on different machines, different sono techs, and different times of the day.  Next week shall tell.

No big New Years Eve plans this year.  Hopefully a nice dinner out before watching the ball drop on TV!

Talk to you all soon!

Christmas at the Galloway's

Nursery Pics (not completed yet, but getting closer)

Saturday, December 17, 2011

December 14th, 2011 Ultrasound (28w5d)

We had an OB appointment last Monday where I had to do the glucose test (which I passed- Yay!).  A friend from work had to do her glucose test at the same time as me so that was nice to pass the time.  There are 6 preggos at work right now!  We were at 7, but my friend Lisa delivered Madeline on 12/12.   We are now going to the OB every 2 weeks.  We also had a Maternal Fetal appointment on Wednesday.  Baby A is now 3 pounds, 2 ounces and Baby B is 2 pounds, 12 ounces.  Baby B is right on track for weight gain for 28 weeks.  Baby A is just big!  The doctor said I have a little extra fluid in my uterus, but he wasn't concerned about that right now.  He said the extra fluid and the one larger baby is making my uterus bigger.  The top of my uterus is at my rib cage now!  I have gained 30 pounds so far.  The sono showed that Baby B had completely flipped around since the last visit.  I think she had just done it the night before our appointment because she balled up into a cone on one side and then she did something that hurt!  Now her head is in my right upper abdomen, next to her sister's feet.  At least now the feet are spread out instead of all in one spot!  Besides the swelling in my feet and ankles and the continuous heartburn, I am feeling fine.  I might ask about some Pepcid at our next OB appointment on Monday.  I'm getting tired of all the Tums!  The nursery is almost finished- Just a few decorating details left.  We will post picture soon.  We go to Maternal Fetal again in 4 weeks.   

Beth and I at the PMOT Christmas Party (ugly Christmas sweater night!).  We are both 28 weeks pregnant with twins.  She is having boys!

Daisy and Cody were extremely interested in all the baby loot that Brenda and Nate gave us!  Thanks again Brenda and Nate!

27 weeks

Baby A

 Getting kicked in the face by her sister!

Baby B